Thursday 1 December 2011

Howick Historical Village

On Tuesday 29th of November 2011, Room 10 went to visit the Howick Historical Village. We went on a bus, it took two bus trips for all the Year 0 and 1's to get there.

We spent the day looking at 'olden days' structures and learning about how life was for people back in the 'olden days'. We played many games and had lots of fun.
The old school room.

We learnt about playing parlour games. These are games people used to play in the evening when they wanted to have fun.

The big saw used for cutting wood.

N.H pretending to use an axe to cut wood.

Inside the Raupo Hut.

The Raupo Hut.

Our day was fun and full of lots of learning. Thank you to Ms Langslow, Mrs Clements and Mrs Harrison for helping on or trip. Thank you to the members of the Howick Historical Village for having us for the day.

Miss C.

Our structures walk

In Week 4 Room 10 and 9 went for a walk in the area around our school. We went and looked at bridges, tunnels, the stream, dogs and the man mowing the lawn around the stream.

The first bridge we walked over.

The tunnel with three holes.
Walking through one of the holes of the tunnel.

The second bridge we walked over.
The man mowing the lawn around the stream.

Our walk was lots of fun, and we learnt how to keep ourselves safe when crossing the road.
Thank you to Miss Cotman and Room 9 for coming with us on our fabulous walk.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Our class trip to the Pumphouse Theatre

In week 9, Room 10 went on the bus to the Pumphouse Theatre in Takapuna. We went on the bus and looked out the window and saw many different types of structures. We talked about the pupose of each structure.

When we arrived in Takapuna, we had some morning tea and then went into watch the Hairy Maclary Show.We had lots of fun on our class trip. Thank you to Mrs Sidwell, Mr Langford and Mrs Harrison for helping us on our trip.


This is a crane that works over the motorway.  This crane helps to build the on ramp for Newmarket.

The Sky Tower is big and tall. It is gigantic! We liked seeing the Sky Tower.

This crane works on a building site. It might help to carry big pieces of wood or big blocks of concrete.

Here are some tower buildings that we saw in Takapuna.

This is the Pumphouse Theatre. The theatre is in Takapuna. We went to watch the Hairy Maclary Show at the Pumphouse Theatre.

Thursday 22 September 2011


Our topic for the rest of this term and the beginning of next term is Structures. Room 10 started this topic off by thinking about... What is a structure? Where can we find structures? What is the purpose of a structure? We went for a walk around our school, read books and browsed the internet searching for structures. We completed a Solo Taxonomy Define Map on structures.

We were then faced with a fun challenge, to construct our own tower. We were only allowed to use 1 piece of A3 paper and a glue stick. We had heaps of fun creating our towers and after we had showed the class we took them home to show our families.

Our tower challenge

Well done Room 10!
Miss C.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Botany Downs School Maths Week

In week 3 at Botany Downs School, we had Maths week. It was totally awesome. The children in Room 10 thought Maths week was totally cool, awesome and really super. We had lots and lots and lots of fun! We loved it. Look at some of the learning activities we participated in during Maths week.
We learnt how to play a new maths game called Scaredy Cat. We were learning how to add numbers together.

We enjoyed making number trains. We cut out and sequenced numbers to 20 all by ourselves. We learnt how to tell the time to find out when the next train would be leaving the train station.

We made snowflakes. We had to be very careful when we cut the paper otherwise it would break or rip. We folded the paper in half and half again and then we used scissors to cut shapes out of the paper. It looks like it is snowing in Room 10.

All the children in Room 10 enjoyed Maths week, they thought it was super awesome!

Room 10.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Eagle Helicopter and the Fire Engine came to Botany Downs School

"I like the buttons and the controls inside the cockpit of the helicopter" said A.R
"The Eagle helicopter looked really awesome" said E.M

"The police constable talked to us about not speeding in the car" said N.F

"I liked wearing the firemans helmet" said J.M

"I liked the lady fire fighter, she was awesome" said A.J

We are learning about different types of occupations. The police helicopter came to visit our school. It was totally awesome. We enjoyed it coming to Botany Downs School. The fire engine came to visit our school too. The fire fighters came to teach us about how to keep ourselves safe if there is a fire. They taught us how to 'Get down, Get low, Get out - Fast'. Room 10 really liked the helicopter and the fire engine coming to school

Story constructed by the children in Room 10.

Monday 30 May 2011

Engaging with our learning experiences

At the end of each day we gather together as a class and reflect on our learning. We use a variety of different activities when reflecting. We love thinking about our learning - we reflect about what we have achieved and what we need to keep working towards.

Autumn is here at last!

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves autumn leaves,
falling from the tree,
autumn leaves autumn leaves
floating down to me,
autumn leaves autumn leaves,
on my hair and clothes,
autumn leaves autumn leaves,
tickling the tip of my nose.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Hot cross bun recipe


1 tbs dried yeast
1 tsp caster sugar
185ml (3/4 cup) warm milk
125ml (1/2 cup) cold milk
50g butter, melted
1 egg, lightly whisked
525g (3 1/2 cups) plain flour
200g mixed dried fruit
70g (1/3 cup) caster sugar
2 tsp mixed spice
A pinch of salt
75g (1/2 cup) plain flour
160ml (2/3 cup) water
2 tbs caster sugar

1.        Pour warm milk. Add yeast. Add sugar.
2.        Whisk together. Leave for 10 minutes
3.        Add cold milk. Add melted butter. Add one egg.
4.        Whisk together
5.        Into a large bowl, add flour, sugar and dried fruit. Add mixed spice.
6.        Mix together.
7.        Make a well in the bowl. Pour yeast mixture and stir well.
8.        Flour bench and knead dough for 10-15 minutes. If it gets sticky re-flour
9.        Spray clean bowl with oil and put dough inside of bowl. Cover with glad wrap. Leave for 1 and a half hours.
10.    Put dough on floured surface, punch a hole in middle and knead for a few minutes
11.    Break off pieces of dough and place on baking tray. Lay buns side by side. Leave for 30 minutes in a warm place, covered with a clean tea towel
12.    In a small bowl, add flour, add water. Mix together until a thick smooth paste is formed
13.    Pipe crosses onto buns. Bake 35 minutes at 180 degrees. Check that buns don’t burn.

Recipe from Nickos Bakery

Thursday 14 April 2011

Yummy yummy hot cross buns

We are looking forward to Easter coming. We decided to make hot cross buns on Wednesday to celebrate Easter. We worked in two groups to made the hot cross buns. After we finished making the buns and they were cooking in the oven, we tasted each individual ingredient that went into the mixture. We tried flour, a milky egg mixture, yeast, sugar, chocolate, salt and mixed spice. We said that the salt tasted like the ocean and we liked trying yeast because yeast is what makes bread dough grow bigger and bigger. We liked all of the ingredients except for the mixed spice.

We made so many buns that we invited our friends from Room 9 to join us for a hot cross bun celebration. Room 10 children thought their buns were the best. They were so yummy! Miss Crosland has a great hot cross bun recipe that she is going to send home with everyone from Room 10. Yum yum yum.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hector's World: Internet Safety

Today we learnt how to be safe on the internet.  We saw a video about Hector the Dolphin and to use a nickname instead of our real names.  Here is a picture of Hector and his friends.

Monday 28 March 2011

Internet safety

Today we learnt about how to keep ourselves safe on the internet. Miss L told us that it is important that we should never put our full name on the internet and that we should use a nickname instead. We learnt about how Hectors World has very important information in it to help us use the internet safely.
Thank you Miss L.